Top 10 Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Halitosis or commonly called as the Bad Breath is considered as one of the most universal concerns that may be acquired by any individual who is very much conscious about personal hygiene. It causes awkwardness that may even be noticed in social relations. But, do not worry, as there are several remedies that you can use at home and ways on how you can have a fresh breath again.

Here are the 10 home remedies for bad breath that are easy to use and can give a fast cure.

1. Drink More Water

One of the easiest strategies that could be taken while fighting halitosis is to drink sufficient water. Dry mouth causes bad breath because, when there is not enough saliva in the mouth, our mouth remains unkempt. It helps to keep the mouth moist, to rinse food particles out and bacteria.

2. Chew Fresh Herbs

I therefore suggest that one should take Herbs that are known to have breath freshening qualities such as parsley, mint, and cilantro. These herbs have chlorophyll content which helps eliminate smells. If you want chewing freshly plucked leaves after you have eaten a meal or at any time of the day, your breath will always be fresh. These herbs can also be used directly in your foods to enhance taste and have that fresh feeling.

 3. Use Baking Soda

Sodium bicarbonate acts as a deodorizer and is relatively soft to eliminate debris and bacteria that humans naturally collect on our teeth. However, they also consumed it mixing it with water to form a paste for use in the mouth as a toothpaste. Use this paste as a dental cream and brush your teeth 2-3 times a week to prevent the development of the bad breath.

4. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar

With antibacterial tendency, apple cider vinegar eliminates bacteria, which causes bad odor in the mouth. To use it as a mouthwash, dissolve one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and swish it around the mouth for half a minute then spit it out. To get the best result, begin using this remedy once or even two times in a day.

5. Eat Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Apples, carrots and celery and many more that are good for people’s health, and also contribute towards instant improvement of breath. Their crunchy qualities cause the mechanical breakdown and disruption of their teeth and gums, this has an added advantage of scraping of the tongue, plaque, and food debris responsible for oral breathing halitosis. Also, they contain a lot of water to give customers a good mouth feel besides giving the product some significant health benefits.

6. Use Cloves

Cloves are also known to have antiseptic properties and the antibacterial strength is highly impressive. They can assist reduce germs in the mouth that leads to halitosis. It can be chewed on, in small several pieces, or boiled in hot water to prepare clove tea. In any case, your breath will be sweet again very soon Indeed, with such an idealistic approach, it will not take a long time before your breath is sweet again.

7. Try Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a method that was used by ancient health professionals from the Indian system of medicine known as Ayurveda and involved with the use of oil to rinse the mouth. Among all the oils available coconut oil is particularly effective because of antimicrobial nature of the oil. Swish the product around the mouth, a tablespoon of coconut oil, for about 10-15 minutes and then expectorating. And, take ½ cup of the content and gargle it once a day for a fresh breath.

8. Brush and Floss Regularly

This may appear as a bit obvious, but regular and proper brushing and flossing is the best way to avoid this problem. Clean your teeth with a toothbrush at least twice or thrice daily to avoid food particles and plaque formation in between your teeth and floss. Do not neglect the tongue because it holds bacteria that may lead to breath halitosis.

9. Avoid Foods That Cause Bad Breath

It is well understood that foods like onions and garlic are associated with the formation of bad breath. They are foods high in sulfur that passes through the bloodstream and comes out during respiration. Essential oils can also be applied on the tongue to freshen your breath after consuming some of this food or if you are going to be around a group of people for a long time.

10. Stay Away from Tobacco Products

Tobacco use leads to the germination of breath and other oral complications such as the gums and cheek cancer in the mouth. They give off such an aftertaste that it stays in your mouth long after you have brushed your teeth. Giving up tobacco not only halts the production of bad smelling breath, but a general improvement in your health as well.


Halitosis is another issue, which may be treated at home with the help of related natural remedies. Aside from avoiding spices, certain foods and habits do help: remembering to drink water, brushing one’s teeth, and chewing on herbs or foods that have a crunch to them. When applied in your lifestyle, these remedies will help you maintain freshness of your breath making you be confident in social events.

By Henry